
There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. ~Jane Austen

Monday, April 19, 2010

HI to WA

We're back from Kona! I will do my best to get pictures up tomorrow. We had...a lot to go through! So many duplicates, it's bananas.

In the meantime, here's a few photos of what I made for dinner tonight. This Asian Kale Salad is from Flying Apron's baking book. I used collard greens instead of kale. I couldn't find gomasio at the Viet Wah by our house, but I'm sure it's at Uwajimaya. Instead, I put extra salt on the pumpkin seeds and sprinkled black sesame seeds all over the thing right before serving. It was WONDERFUL.

My lovely friend Erica emailed me a recipe she tried recently and blogged about, a celery soup from Bon Appetit. I made a few adjustments: I used yogurt w/dill (thanks Erica, for the suggestion) and soy milk instead of the whipping cream. Fabulous! And it made tons, so Kip will probably be eating it for lunch all week.


  1. I was the project editor on the Flying Apron book--did you see my name credited? I took the author photos too! ;)

    Hope you guys had a great time in Hawaii!

  2. Get outta here!!! I do see your name on my lovely cookbook, on the inside flap and on the outside flap. You are awesome, Rachelle!

  3. It's such a fantastic collection of recipes. I'm so glad you are enjoying it! And oh my is that celery soup ever good... I'll be posting about it soon myself. :)
