
There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. ~Jane Austen

Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm back!

Hello, friends...it's been a while. To sum it up, the past 7 months have been a little overwhelming for me. No special or dramatic reason, just more responsibility at work and working on projects at home. Writing on the blog felt like one more thing I had to do, so it got cut.
I'm feeling better now, so I'm going to start this up again! I do like writing little blurbs on the blog, and sharing photos of my projects and food stuff. It's nice to feel energy to do that again.

The project we're working on right now (by the way, we DID finish our bathroom...photos to come)...the backyard! We've put in raised beds for vegetables (Kip's birthday present to me). Those photos are also to come. I'll put them in my next post.

First ever harvest! I made yummy Butter-Glazed Radishes from Orangette. Since I had about 100 radishes that needed to be eaten, this recipe put a nice dent in that amount.


  1. Lovely!
    What kind of radishes are those little round ones? They look very adorable!

  2. Thanks! They are Renee's Garden "Pink Punch"

  3. Hello! Adorable radishes. Is this the first harvest from your new garden?

  4. Yes, Danny- they are the first harvest ever!

  5. I'm so glad you're back blogging!!!!!
